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Enrolling with
Back Pocket Benefits

A Smart, Simple, Seamless Enrollment Solution

We make getting your benefits easy, thanks to our various modern enrollment solutions. Whether you are a group looking to offer self-serve enrolling to your members, or you need a full-suite benefit administration, we are able to help. Our enrollment process is user-friendly, quick, and straightforward. 

Enrollment Features

Mobile Self-Serve Online Enrollments

  • Smartphone-enabled enrollments:

    • 40% of enrollments are via mobile; 78% of Americans have a smart phone, and 12% have no internet access other than their phone

  • 130 languages offered via Google Translate

  • Group and voluntary benefit enrollment

  • Vetted technology – Cyber Security Tech

    • EOI, Level 3 data center

Call Center Support

  • Education and engagement

  • Call center consultation

  • Licensed benefit counselors available (optional)

Full Benefit Administration

  • Direct billing & direct pay - no more zero-paycheck admin nightmare!

  • Credit card, debit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and cash apps accepted

  • Post-enrollment data collection available


Marketing Strategies

  • We will market directly to your group members, providing information on products and how to enroll & pay

  • Posters, cards, tabletops & more

  • Email campaigns

  • Text message campaigns

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